Friday, May 23, 2008

Build muscle in less than a week?

Are you ready to build the muscular physique you've always wanted? How about doing this in less than one week? Are you interested? Boy, your friends will be impressed when you show up next week with an awesome muscular body.

Were you seriously expecting to build muscle within one week. Unfortunately, this just isn't possible. Don't get mad at me now. I know you saw the title of this article and were hoping for a magical solution to your fitness needs. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but someone had to tell you (or remind you) of the simple truth about building muscle. What is that truth? Building muscle takes time, and it takes a serious commitment.

I recently read an article by an expert trainer. His article stated that consistency was an important, even crucial factor in gaining muscle. He explained that if a person constantly changes his routine going from one program to the next, then chances are he doesn't really believe in the body building programs and will ultimately fail. It's easy to see why this is the case: building large amounts of muscle takes a consistent effort over a long period of time, usually several months or more to see the results. If you constantly change from one program to next, you'll never know what works. You will likely end up interrupting a worthwhile program in exchange for a poor program that will lead to disappointing results.

You may have heard this at various times in your life. You've heard it stated in different adages like "inch by inch it's a cinch" and "try, try again" along with a dozen other clichés. You probably brushed it aside at the time, since our tendency is to search for the magic bullet - the one key that will unlock all of our desires with the least amount of effort. Eventually we learn that no magic bean can replace diligence and consistency. No supplement, regardless of the marketing hype, can provide you with the same results as a solid exercise and diet program followed carefully over many weeks and months. Believe it or not, our greatest successes come from small daily actions. The small actions on a consistent daily basis will accumulate and have a massive effect in the future.

Thus, the key to building muscle is to find a solid program that teaches you all aspects including training, diet, and recovery methods. If you stay with it, you'll see great results.

If you would like to learn more about muscle gain , visit Jon Cardozo's Web site at Learn the secrets to building a muscular physique and avoid the myths of the bodybuilding industry. Brought to you by Jcardozium.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

How to put your muscle growth on super speed

Building a muscular physique is hard enough if you know what you're doing. It doesn't help when there are so many different opinions in the gym. If you're like me, you've had a hard time building muscle and have been frustrated by all the conflicting advice. Thankfully though, it's possible to get through the myths and learn the truth about muscle building.

For a long time I listened to other guys in the gym who tried to convince me about their methods. However, after a while I realized that they weren't too successful themselves. I mean, why would you listen to someone who didn't have the muscle to prove his knowledge? They seem to think they knew a lot about building muscle just because they used all the right words. They often talked about how great a "pump" they were getting from their workouts, and they did their best to keep up with the latest supplement fads.

One of their biggest mistakes, however, was spending way too much time in the gym. Like many beginners, they assumed that more time in the gym would equal more muscle. This is definitely not the best way to the train in the gym. The problem is that your muscles don't grow until after leave the gym! You have to give your body enough rest to allow the muscles to grow back bigger and stronger. Spending all day at the gym neglects the importance of recovering from your workouts. In addition, you have to make sure that you eat enough calories and protein to build those muscles.

These last two concepts, diet and recovery, are crucial to your success. Despite this, far too many trainees ignore them. Or maybe it's just that they're not aware of how important they are. If that's the case, I want to take a moment to emphasize just how crucial they are. If you're serious about building large amounts of muscle, your commitment does not end when you walk out of the gym. That is the beginning, not the end, of your training. Everything you eat and drink, for one thing, will go a long way towards determining what you look like in a few months time. You can remain the same because you didn't eat enough even though you worked out that the gym. You could also gain a bunch of fat because you decided to eat the wrong foods thinking that all calories are equal. Or you can follow some basic rules and develop some serious muscle.

The rules for building muscle are actually not too hard to understand. They are simple, but they're not easy. You still have to put in the effort, but the basic principles are simple enough to understand. Because there's so much conflicting information, though, it's best to stick to a proven program that teaches you all aspects of building muscle. Find a program that has proved its worth - a program that has helped build 40 pounds of muscle in under 6 months.

If you would like to learn more about how to body build , visit Jon Cardozo's Web site at Learn the secrets to building a muscular physique and avoid the myths of the bodybuilding industry. Brought to you by Jcardozium.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The lord of all bodybuilding secrets

We all know that building muscle requires a number of sacrifices. One of those sacrifices is, of course, having to spend money on supplements, gym memberships, and other expenses. Most weightlifters and bodybuilders would not hesitate to spend money on these things, but they often overlook other useful products. One thing in particular is often ignored as a way to help you in your muscle building program, and you'll probably be kicking yourself when I tell you what it is. This little known bodybuilding secret can help you make progress in ways that supplements cannot.

It's massage. A good deep tissue massage over the entire body can work wonders when it comes to building muscle. When a full body massage isn't possible, even a chair massage can be helpful.

I can probably guess what you're thinking right now. You came here for some serious tips about building muscle, and all I have to talk about is massage? Well, the truth is that you could really benefit if you gave this a try. Of course, massage will not directly add muscle to your body. At least, it can't do that directly. And I'm definitely not saying that it will somehow replace the need for a good weightlifting and diet program. However, when it comes to building muscle, you need as many weapons as possible in your arsenal. Massage should be part of the arsenal because it can help to remove lactic acid from your muscles as well as lengthen your muscles. The effect is similar to stretching.

I hope you can see how important massage can be as part of a muscle building program. It can really help to relieve stress, and it can help prevent injuries by relieving tight muscles. This may not be the biggest thing on your mind right now. You would be wise to try and prevent injuries down the road. Every step you can take such as stretching, massage, and good weightlifting techniques will make injuries less likely. No one wants to think about that at the beginning of a weightlifting program but believe me, it's much better to think about that now. You definitely don't want to be out of commission for a long time because of injuries.

The bottom line is that massage should be part of your overall program for building muscle. You don't have to abandon your supplements completely. I'm not saying you have to cancel your gym membership. What you should do, however, is not forget the importance of a good massage to help build muscle.

If you would like to learn more about all natural bodybuilding , visit Jon Cardozo's Web site at Learn the secrets to building a muscular physique and avoid the myths of the bodybuilding industry. Brought to you by Jcardozium.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Should you listen to your weight lifting buddies at the gym?

If you spend much time at the gym doing weightlifting, you've probably had a lot of conversations with other guys in the gym. It's fun to talk about your progress and exchange ideas, but should you really listen to your buddies when it comes to muscle building?

Well, that definitely depends on how knowledgeable your friends are. Some will have much more experience and really know what they're talking about. Others, however, just do whatever they hear through the grapevine and seemed to jump from one technique to another. It's very important to gain some real knowledge in this area and avoid the mistakes that many trainees make in the gym.

For example, many beginners try to spend all of their time in the gym and think this extra effort will pay off big time. If they don't see any muscle gain immediately, they are tempted to increase their workouts even more. They may decide to lift more weights during each session or to increase the frequency and spend more and more time in the gym. They seem to think that the more they work out the better the chances of success. Of course, this line of thinking is definitely flawed because it ignores one of the major components of muscle growth. Remember that strength training breaks down the muscle fibers and stimulates the body to build muscle. The body will respond and build a bigger, stronger muscle, but only if it has had enough rest between workouts. In fact, many bodybuilding experts recommend just two or three hours of training each week! In many cases, reducing your workload and increasing the amount of sleep that you get each night will do wonders for your muscle building program.

So how do you know if the advice you hear is worthwhile or not? Well, one obvious thing to keep in mind is what kind of results the person has experienced. It may seem like an obvious concept, but too many times we listen to others because they are our friends or because we feel pressured to follow their lead. They don't necessarily have the results to prove their knowledge, in which case we should look elsewhere for advice on muscle building. The best thing you can do is find a real mentor who has overcome his skinny genes and gained a large amount of muscle naturally. Your goal should be not to copy everyone else but to achieve the best results you possibly can.

If you would like to learn more about bodybuilding workouts , visit Jon Cardozo's Web site at . Learn the secrets to building a muscular physique and avoid the myths of the bodybuilding industry. Brought to you by Jcardozium.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Give your muscles time to recover

Have you spent any time browsing through the bodybuilding magazines at your local bookstore? If so, you've probably seen quite a few recommendations on how to improve your workout, not to mention the ton of advertisements for the latest supplement fad. Likewise, you may have heard talk around the gym about which techniques are best for weightlifting or which supplements you should take. Unfortunately, chances are you've heard little about the importance of a recovery program for building muscle. If you've struggled to make progress in the gym, or if you started out with great gains only to have quickly reached a plateau, then this discussion is for you.

If we understand how muscle grows, then we know why the recovery phase is so important. If you want to force your body to grow muscle, you first have to give your body a reason to build it. Your body would rather not be bothered with building muscle. Your body has to be given a reason to grow new muscle.

When you lift a heavy weight and challenge your muscle beyond its previous limits, muscle fibers are torn and must be repaired. Your body will rebuild the muscle with more mass and strength than before in order to prevent this kind of stress from recurring in the future. What does this have to do with the recovery phase?

Muscles must be given enough time to rebuild before they are put under this kind of pressure again. This requires rest in addition to the necessary nutrients in your diet. You must limit the frequency of your workouts to make sure your body is ready, and many experts recommend only a few hours of training per week. In many cases, less time in the gym means more muscle.

Training to exhaustion, for example, is usually considered over training and can put a heavy strain on your nervous system and immune system, not to mention your muscles themselves. Because your nervous and immune systems take longer than your muscles to recover, you need to be very careful to avoid over training in the gym. You'll probably find yourself overdoing it from time to time, but be careful not to make this a habit.

This advice can save you from a big illness or injury down the road. Moreover, you'll have a better time progressing through your workouts and building muscle from week to week if you give yourself enough time to recover between workouts.

If you would like to learn more about bodybuilding workouts , visit Jon Cardozo's Web site at . Learn the secrets to building a muscular physique and avoid the myths of the bodybuilding industry. Brought to you by Jcardozium.